
Type selector Selects all elements with specified type A
ID selector Selects an element with specific id #id
Descendant selector Selects an element inside another div a
Class selector Selects an element with a specific class name .class
Universal selector Selects all elements *
Adjacent sibling selector Selects elements that directly follows another element a + div
General sibling selector Select all siblings in another element A ~ B
Child selector Select direct child of an element A > B
First child Selects first child of an element A:first:child
Only child pseudo selector Selects an element that is the only element inside another :only-child
Attribute selector Selects an element with an specific attribute [for]


Defines a table element <table>
Defines header cells <th>
Defines table row <tr>
Defines table data <td>
Groups the body content in a table <thead>
Groups the footer content in a table <tfoot>


RGB colors rgb(255, 255, 255)
HEX colors #RRGGBB
HSL colors hsl(hue, saturation %, lightness %)


Relative Elements position is realtive to its default position position:relative
Absolute Element positioned relative to its closes positioned parent element position:absolute